S*Aliosha's Aršur Asksson

9 months old

8 months old

[ Pedigree ]

[ Development 0 - 13 weeks ]

Aršur is in our opinion a nice youg male who has developed quite well. He has a long medium strong body standing high on his legs. The tail is long and very bushy. He has a good coat quality with a beautiful harlequin pattern. His head has an excellent lenth with a nice triangular shape. The profile is straight, the chin strong but he could have a slightly higher forehead. He has quite well set ears of good shape but they could be larger. His eyes are excellent in size, shape, setting and he has an amazing expression! 

The best trait he and his siblings have is an exquisite temper, sometimes you just need to talk with them and they start to purr!

Aršur is now neutered and has moved and lives today with his brother Agni.

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