S*Aliosha's Atla Asksdóttir

9 months old

8 months old

[ Pedigree ]

[ Development 0 - 13 weeks ]

We have decided to keep Atla from our first litter and add her to our collection of black tortie agouti females with a lot of white... ;-)

Atla is in our opinion a very nice young female developing quite well. She has a medium long body of medium strength and she is standing high on her legs. The tail is long and for the moment very bushy. She has an excellent coat quality with a beautiful bi-colour pattern. Her head has an excellent length with an excellent triangular shape. The profile is straight, the chin medium but he could have a slightly higher forehead. She has well set ears of excellent shape but they could be bigger. Her eyes are excellent in size, shape, setting and he has a beautiful expression! Feral but yet femenine. 

The best trait she and his siblings have is an exquisite temper, sometimes you just need to talk with them and they start to purr! 

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