Uni Jógvan sleggja ÍS*

Just over 5 months old destroying our Christmas tree... ;-)

5 months old

4 months old

4 months old

[ Pedigree ]

A dream which both of us has had for a longer time has come through! We have both wanted to have a Cornish Rex and now we have a wonderful guy roaming our home.

Uni is a very friendly guy with a lot of ideas. He is very cuddly and seeks physical contact with us pretty extensively. He plays a lot with our Norwegians but prefers to sleep with us.

It is really exciting with a new breed! According to our interpretation of the standard he seems to be an excellent specimen of his breed and his show results indicate that we might be right since he has achived BIS (Best In Show) all four times he has been shown so far!

Thanks a lot Marteinn and Vignir for letting us adopt this wonderful guy!

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